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Posted: Thursday, August 28, 2014 - 02:29 AM UTC
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A very bad day in Normandy, indeed!
I know what you mean about the nice weather - very hard not to go out and just sit in the shade with a good book.
This project is progressing along, though, my friend. It's so easy to get focused on the ambulance that I forget there's the horse team with the arty piece, too.
As always, I'm looking forward to the next update.
Enjoy this nice weather, though, while you can. You had a tough winter last year, so you deserve a few warm, pleasant days!
Yes,well,the weather is even nicer today than yesterday. I actually have been sitting under the new carport and reading through almost all of my old ref. books. I am waiting for new ones to get here as well.
I am concentrating on the ambulance because it has to go on the base before the horse and cannon stuff so.... can't be helped. It will be a tight fit.
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Posted: Thursday, August 28, 2014 - 02:32 AM UTC
Thanks Romain and Alan,
Yes,the weather. This chair sure feels good today.
Death in paradise. I toured Normandy in the 70s and it sure is beautiful. A farmers' dream come true.
For the 4 armies fighting there I am sure they had a different opinion though.
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Posted: Thursday, August 28, 2014 - 02:35 AM UTC
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I would love a warm and pleasant day- storm here last night like the middle of December! Good modelling weather though!
This is coming together real nice Jerry- its good to see the horses in 'context' next to the wagon. The texture you have on them is coming out nicely even with just a first coat of paint. I assume you are going to sculpt some details onto the dead body- just wondering what out of curiosity- like a field jacket etc?
Always nice to see your comments Karl. Sorry about the English weather. No surprises there I'm afraid! LOL
I have plans for the corpse to be a bit disheveled but yes,he will have on a tunic.
Thanks for checking in buddy,

Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, August 28, 2014 - 05:06 AM UTC
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Quoted Text
I would love a warm and pleasant day- storm here last night like the middle of December! Good modelling weather though!
This is coming together real nice Jerry- its good to see the horses in 'context' next to the wagon. The texture you have on them is coming out nicely even with just a first coat of paint. I assume you are going to sculpt some details onto the dead body- just wondering what out of curiosity- like a field jacket etc?
Always nice to see your comments Karl. Sorry about the English weather. No surprises there I'm afraid! LOL
I have plans for the corpse to be a bit disheveled but yes,he will have on a tunic.
Thanks for checking in buddy,
LOL- 'English weather'- would love some of that actually- they've had it okay the past while. We have our own two distinct weather types in the North of Ireland- wet and windy or just wet- we even have a name for it- 'crap'

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Posted: Friday, August 29, 2014 - 01:27 AM UTC
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Quoted Text
Quoted Text
I would love a warm and pleasant day- storm here last night like the middle of December! Good modelling weather though!
This is coming together real nice Jerry- its good to see the horses in 'context' next to the wagon. The texture you have on them is coming out nicely even with just a first coat of paint. I assume you are going to sculpt some details onto the dead body- just wondering what out of curiosity- like a field jacket etc?
Always nice to see your comments Karl. Sorry about the English weather. No surprises there I'm afraid! LOL
I have plans for the corpse to be a bit disheveled but yes,he will have on a tunic.
Thanks for checking in buddy,
LOL- 'English weather'- would love some of that actually- they've had it okay the past while. We have our own two distinct weather types in the North of Ireland- wet and windy or just wet- we even have a name for it- 'crap'
Yes,well,I like to keep an optimistic view so think of your circumstances vis a vis the weather as more opportunity to build models!! And also,you get to enjoy all of that emerald green foliage as it certainly gets well watered.
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Posted: Sunday, August 31, 2014 - 06:57 AM UTC
At least I can keep showing minor progress.
Got a few layers of putty on the dead guy. Added suspenders from wire and foil along with the integral belt and loops that the late war trousers had. The buttons are from my very valuable and handy fret of PE from AllianceMiniatures.

Where he fits in

Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Sunday, August 31, 2014 - 08:06 AM UTC
With some primer they make more sense.

Need to add some more folds in the jacket I see. Always good to take these in progress shots. Hope no one is getting bored with too many pics.

California, United States
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Posted: Sunday, August 31, 2014 - 08:37 AM UTC
Hi Jerry - bored is not the word that comes to my mind...jealous of your skills, maybe, but not bored. I'm eventually going to have to figure out how to work more successfully with putty. It along with lead foil seem to be integral to your work, and the results are obvious. While the subject of the scene is tough/thought provoking, the work is equally serious, great show.
Thanks for posting the update
Wien, Austria
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Posted: Sunday, August 31, 2014 - 09:08 AM UTC
Hi Jerry,
tremendous job on the corpse m8!! Not an easy pose either!
You are right that the jacket needs more volume, which also means more folds.
And just watch out...the left forearm still sports a hefty mold line!
Thanks for keeping us in the loop bro!!
un pour tous et tous pour un!
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Sunday, August 31, 2014 - 09:49 AM UTC
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Hi Jerry - bored is not the word that comes to my mind...jealous of your skills, maybe, but not bored. I'm eventually going to have to figure out how to work more successfully with putty. It along with lead foil seem to be integral to your work, and the results are obvious. While the subject of the scene is tough/thought provoking, the work is equally serious, great show.
Thanks for posting the update
Thanks Nick,
I think that was one of the nicest things anyone has ever said about my stuff.
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Sunday, August 31, 2014 - 09:53 AM UTC
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Hi Jerry,
tremendous job on the corpse m8!! Not an easy pose either!
You are right that the jacket needs more volume, which also means more folds.
And just watch out...the left forearm still sports a hefty mold line!
Thanks for keeping us in the loop bro!!
Ah yes,I noticed that mold line as well. Good reason to keep taking these in progress pics.
I think the jacket needs a lot more volume under the left shoulder and just a tad under the right one. Not too much though,as those tunics weren't all that thick.
Thanks for looking in at what must be a late hour in Ostereich,
Wien, Austria
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Posted: Monday, September 01, 2014 - 12:18 AM UTC
Yeah, couldn't sleep!! So I decided to do something useful!
un pour tous et tous pour un!
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Monday, September 01, 2014 - 05:52 AM UTC
That late at night I hope it was something more useful that looking at the internet!!
England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, September 01, 2014 - 09:07 AM UTC
Nice work on the figure J.
'Action this Day'
Winston Spencer Churchill
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Posted: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 - 01:35 AM UTC
Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 - 03:11 AM UTC
Love it! He's got good posture, if that's the word for it. It's tricky getting a casualty to "sit" right, and yours looks great. Looking forward to seeing all this get the paint treatment.
I'm doin' stuff. Lotta stuff.
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 - 01:34 PM UTC
Thanks for checking in Conor,
I am pretty happy with the pose for once. I think he really looks like he has assumed room temperature.
Almost done with the paint. Tried my new set of LifeColors German uniform colors. Very close colors. I wonder if this guy uses some kind of computer matching system 'cause these colors rock!
My humble efforts,

Romain may notice I started adding hair to the area above the horses hooves,as suggested!
Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 - 02:16 PM UTC
Wow! That face and head look so... Well life-like may not be the appropriate term, but meine Gott, mann. The colors are perfect/ Are the skin tones life color as well? The hair looks great as well, but that's something I've come to expect from you hahaha.
Nice update.
I'm doin' stuff. Lotta stuff.
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 - 02:22 PM UTC
Conor, you beat me to it ... WOW!!!
Wien, Austria
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Posted: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 - 09:28 PM UTC
Jerry m8, you have done a brilliant job on that poor fellow!!
May I put my congratulations on top of the already existing pile!!
un pour tous et tous pour un!

Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 - 10:02 PM UTC
Brilliant work on the figure Jerry- the uniform tones are spot on and the face has the kind of pale tone you would associate with a deceased casualty. The painting has really brought out the fine sculpted detail on the figure and you can appreciate the pose in which you placed him that bit more now that the paint is on.
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Posted: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 - 02:27 AM UTC
Conor,Mike,Romain and Karl,
Thanks so much for making this old mans' day. Means a lot to me that you guys check in and comment.
Still work to do with the paint but I love the colors in this brand. Just as good as the GI colors I used for"Kinney".
I do see that even though I got rid of the seam on the arm that Romain mentioned I still missed the hand!!!
Back to the drawing board.
Thanks again buddies,
England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 - 04:47 AM UTC
Hi J,
Looking good, excellent work on the hair, the the dead posture looks great.
Nice one.
'Action this Day'
Winston Spencer Churchill
South Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 - 02:15 PM UTC
Very nice pose on this guy, Jer. He has that random and completely unnatural posture that's rare in modeled casualty figures. Most modeled casualties look entirely too "comfortable," like they're laying down for a nap, but not this guy. He looks totally "out of it."
Mike Roof
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Posted: Thursday, September 04, 2014 - 01:37 AM UTC
Al and Mike,
Thanks for the generous comments. Mike,it is hard to portray randomness. And death is very random,as you know from A'stan and other garden spots we both have been to.
Pics we see of casualties are sometimes posed and sometimes the people taking the pics pull the bodies to a different position to get a "better" view. This was done as early as the American Civil War. You are correct in that almost all the dead guys I've seen in resin or in dios look like sleeping people and not the random pose usually displayed by a battlefield corpse.
In that respect I think the war movies confuse things as well. I have seen after the battle scenes in film where the dead are PERFECTLY spaced apart. Figure the odds?
I know I have said it before but random is very hard to model or build. Like placing stones exactly equidistant on groundwork in a dio. It's something we do subconsciously and is hard to overcome.
Man o man,too much coffee again. I shouldn't ever post in the morning. Sorry guys. But thanks!!!