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Excellent, great to see even more joining us!
Bruce, I'm especially glad you can join us and thank you for your service during that time
Stephen, I go on a case-by-case basis. Go ahead and post pics of them both, but knowing you my guess is that your kits will be ok.
No worries Jeremy, I wanted to be sure before I committed to anything. I will of course go with whatever decision you make. I have plenty of other kits that would fit the bill nicely.
Here's the M113.

The hull has had the roof and and front plate fitted (total of 4 parts) and the turret halves assembled. I remember know that what put this one on hold was research into the vehicles use in Vietnam and stumbling across several reviews of this kit. Most of the reviews highlighted that its roof was completely wrong, but having already stuck it on there wasn't a fat lot I could do about it

Right now I'm just going to go with how it is and pretend blissful ignorance.
Everything else is fine in the bags.

Next up the Centurion.
The hull is partly assembled, turret halves are together as well as a base plate for a figure, suspension units assembled (minus suspension arms), and drive wheels.

Everything else in the box is untouched. There's also a vinyl mantlet cover and figures from Tamiya's Chieftain I plan on using as crew. I also have a box of individual link tracks for it knocking about somewhere. At the time I got this kit, I was also working on Tamiya's Centurion and I had the bright idea of using the vinyl tracks from this one to replace the crappy ones in the Tamiya.

To go with this there's also a couple of sets of Dragon Vietnam era US troops I hope to convert to Australian infantry. It's a pretty ambitious job so its no wonder it stalled for easier projects.
Let me know what you think anyway.