I'll echo Giovanni above on waiting for the (I really hope and wish!) coming 8x8 2cd edition campaign!
The kit and stuff I wanted to put together for THIS now-finished shindig just all finally arrived Saturday!

Dragon SdKfz 234/1 with some Eduard and Griffon PE, some Hussar resin wheels for some variety, a metal 2cm barrel, and whatever additional bits and a little scratchwork I can get in!
But no "Shock-Brigade" build for me! Seeing as it is a lovely and somewhat parts-rich kit, I'm not even going to begin with any sort of goofy last-minute effort. Besides which, knowing how I love to pause and admire and fondle every next little bit I do get done on things... Not a snowball's chance even in Purgatory, let alone H**L, that I could get much done in 3 days!
I will, however, be entirely ready to kick off with it any day whenever we get the sincerely hoped-for 8x8 2cd ed. going!

Or, if someone wants to get another "armored car" thing going, or maybe a "recon" campaign

or some light-armor thing, or even, if folks are really subject-focused, small-caliber-minded, and a bit desperate, a "2cm campaign"!

I AM ready for it!
Meanwhile; THIS campaign has yielded some super great builds and a wealth of 8-wheelers to look at and admire! It's been a pleasure to watch and lurk and occasionally comment - even though I could not get my act together at all for a build here! My hat is off to all who completed and posted! And particularly those several SdKfz 234/x builds - my fav AC line! Neat stuff, indeed, and quite inspirational!
Thanks, ALL, for the great stuff and viewing!