Got a little work in on the Real Models Flak turret and ancient DML Panther G chassis today.
The old DML kit is interesting in a lot of ways, different from their other Panthers. The rear hull plate is molded interlocked with the hull sides.
This version has location holes for the hatch stops on the front hull roof edges, but has not pieces to go in them! Later kits have molded on stops, something the Tamiya kits miss. I ended up making mine from toothpick wood and strip styrene. Overscale I am sure, but oh well..
Also a locator for the mg plug, seen there to the left of the missing gun crutch. I'll make one of those later.
Some time back, knowing I was going to eventually use this resin turret, I sold or traded off the kit turret.. DML had hull parts moved onto that sprue that I missed at the time. The spacers in front of the front rectangular engine grills and hull hatches
Panther spares to the rescue for the hatches, I cobbled together the strips.

It took a little doing to get the pour block off the front of the turret there under the gun. Still needs some smoothing along the edges. I will have to drill the foilage loops deeper and add solder loops near the end of the build.
True to form, I mixed up too much Dk Yellow for the lower hull/roadwheels so this is not the final paint, but a base coat on the front/sides for now.
Fun build so far.