Jerry , thanks man , lemmie see what your doing with your reconstruction thingie .
Nick , thanks man , a lot of people don't think about the birth of a town and its growth along with maybe hundreds of years of change among the original buildings .
Some stay and some are razed for new builds .
Birth , a few buildings , growth , more buildings , generations later with architecture and technology constantly changing a wonderful melange of old and new .
I like to see that it tells a story in itself .
Anyway , good question on the size and scope of this never ending project .
Everything I build is more or less in modules only to be base placed when I feel the section is completed .
I work a lot in my head and see the picture clearly of what will be .
Space considerations prevent me from laying everything out to take photos , besides it would be a pain in the dumper and time consuming to set everything up and then tear it all down to continue building .
When I'm done though I do have room to put it all together and photo the hell out of it , ........... then tear it down and start something else .
Right now I'm figurin on four , four foot x four foot pieces of 3/4 plywood .
When this is done I plan on building the other side of town that will hold the Allied contingent , .......... sooooooooo in about 10 years I'll be done with both .
I'm havin a blast relaxin and building in my room , so if this keeps me from running with scissors and home ....... it's a good thing .
It also keeps my little Komandant wife happy .