Thanks Jerry , yeah MiniArt has a lot of nice accessories I want to get .
Some are real new and can't find them yet but I will be getting them sooner or later .
TCollins , thanks man , I get basswood it's stronger than balsa and stains better .
I get my wood supplies at Michaels or Walmart , bags of assorted different size and shape basswood .
I usually just use my Claptrap Mark 1 eyeball and some figures to gauge what looks like 2x4's 6x6's etc.
Conor , thanks man , work , work , work , still at it but I'm havin fun .
Tim , thanks dude , don't understand Klingon , ............... I only speak , write and understand two languages , English and poor English .
Jeff , thanks man , there's much more coming so stay tuned .
Nicolas , I think he means I've been working on this for a good year , least I hope he does or I just aged a year in eleven days .
Dave , thanks buddy , yeah getting the railings all concentric and even and stuff was a real charm but I think they turned out ok .
Speaking of spending a year on this project , as of March 31st 2017 I'll be retiring a second time from my job with the school system , already retired once from the phone company back in 2007.
Soooooo theoretically all I have to do is get up in the morning and model , surf fish , play horseshoes , shoot pool , play shuffleboard , model , again , again , again , etc.