Well, Dustin, since you okayed it, here's my entry.
I don't have any beginning photos like I do for the Pz III as the III was my focus; the Panther was just a distraction while I waited for glue to dry and stuff. I was also working on a BF109 at the same time. Gotta keep busy, right? Oh, and I decided to add a Stug as I didn't have one of those on my shelf yet, either. So, this is the kit:
As I wasn't sure on the accuracy of the IR gear or how to dress it up, I decided to leave all that off and build a straight-up late production model, mostly OOB but with a few bits and bobs from the spares, and for the first time my own hand-wound tow cables.
Here's what's left over:
The instructions and paint guide I won't be following:
A few in-progress shots:
Panther and pals getting ready for their primer coats:
Hope to lay paint this weekend; have online school ending summer term and then public school starts in two weeks so its back to work.