Well I am not going to meet the deadline - again.
But here is where I am at - main construction complete, sub assemblies ready for paint.
This is a real Frankenpanzer with bits from different places.
Tristar Running Gear
Tristar Panzer IV Ausf D Brake housing coversand hinges(these are castings from a donor kit parts)
Dragon Magic tracks, Hatch covers, towing s hooks (Trumpeter gives you the wrong type), spare track links, starter crank, shovel, Fire extinguisher
Amusing Hobby jack block ( a casting off their Neubaufahrzeug kit)
I have added backing plates and nuts to the inside of the shell compartment, these are where the grab handles are on the outside. This is seen in the few interior pics of the compartment in the Allied AXIS #9 book. This book and the Panzer Tracts on the Karl Gerat and #17 Gepanzerte Nachschub Fahrzeuge are a great source of info on these.
You can see my initial Pencil 'v' lines on the interior where I planned to include the rivet detail that is missing. I did however, draw the line at adding the rivets on the inside as my smallest punch is twice the size and casting the outside compartment section and slicing off all the rivets to place one by one would be a nightmare at the size. The cyano used to hold it would be bigger than the rivet! So I just added the missing frame and rivet bits in the corners:
The cradle for the shell has been reworked considerably. Sink marks and knock out pins, etc. The kit one has various issues in length and the tops of the pointed end pieces are too short and do not represent the real thing where there is a bracket on one side each end. It is also missing carry handles. The bolt heads are just blobs (replaced with resin copies from a selection provided by Amusing Hobby on a tab in the their NBF kit.
The rivets around the cradle are punched discs as Trumpeter gives you a strip of pe with oversized circles etched on it. The PE cradle assembly that came with the kit as an option has the same issues in size and shape so I went with the easier to fix.