I too finished my T-35. The Zvezda kit was a good one and I would have no problem buying it again. I did use a metal barrel set but more skillful building might have made the kit parts look better. I made two obvious errors with it. First was to ADD the metal barrel to the plastic part making the assembly too long. It looks good and I did notice until I started reviewing the photos of the real T-35s. Oops!
I can live with that mistake but the second one bothers me. I miscounted the number of side armor skirts and put the red star on the plate too far aft. I still haven't decided what to do about this. We are out of time so there it is - for now.
I selected a theme for this build - New Paint for Uncle Joe. The biggest use the Soviets got out of these T-35s was for propaganda. They were heavily filmed in the big Red Square parades on May Day with Uncle Joe watching from the stands.
I thought about what it would take to put on this annual show. The vehicle would be in service someplace and would have been prepped and transported. The prep would have included making sure the tanks were able to make the route without embarrassing breakdowns and a new coat of paint would be applied over the old finish. Then they would have been loaded on to a rail car and sent to a staging area that was most likely a dirt field.
There the crew would have crawled over the beast making sure all was well with it. The T-35s were maintenance hogs and despite the best efforts this had to have left marks on the new paint. Spring rains would have left their marks too. The underlying dirt & rust would have left streaks.
My model attempts to show the vehicle as it might have looked at a parade in say, 1937 when it had already seen several years of service. The paint was new, not faded but it was marked by boot prints, greasy rags and other wear. For the paint itself I choose a very light green, one not often thought of for Soviet vehicles. I thought that the crews would choose the brightest shade they could find to please Uncle Joe. Also I have seen illustrations showing such a color. Is it accurate? What do you think?