Hello again everybody. Boy she sure looked good with those white bore stripes. Good thing they were just decals cause off they came. Oh well. The bumper code now reads A23 and the tape on the CIP's is more brownish green. Thanks John. I am leaving off the power cable for the mine plow for now but will add it later. Isn't there a second smaller cable that attaches to the mine plow?
Well since my last update I have applied pin washes of burnt umber and payne's gray oil paints. On top of that I added a few scratches and paint chips here and there with Gunze's Dark Green #320. There doesn't seem to be much paint chipping on these tanks. Also I added some rust to my mine plow. This was done using several shades of brown. First a layer of Polly S (I love this brand for hand brushing) US Earth Red. On top of that went some random splotches of Tamiya NATO Brown. After that I mixed the two together and applied more random splotches. Finally a very thin layer of straight US Earth Red. This was more like a filter. Altering the previous layers without completely covering them. I will probably do more with my pigments but thats for later. After all the rust was added a few shades of silver went on to the tips of the blade teeth.
The battle board has also made its appearance. The board itself was cut from a thin sheet of wood bought at Michael's. It was cut to size and sanded to it's final thickness. After a couple of coats of Future the decals were added. The chevron came from Echelon and the "61" came from the sheet I made myself. These boards were commonly attached with zip cuffs through small holes cut in the plywood. I will add this detail soon.
The base has also recieved some attention. More thin sheets of wood were attached to the sides to clean things up. Some putty was slopped on and then sanded off. A coat of flat black was sprayed on. I prefer the look of natural wood but this way I could get away with a somewhat sloppy build of a base. It is my first. Probably not my last. A layer of Celluclay and a little Woodland Scenics fine turf now coat the base. The top of the base will get some paint as soon as the Celluclay is completely dry.
Well thats where she stands now. I will do a little more weathering and a few touchups around the mine plow, than move on to things like stowage and more with the scenery. I plan to leaving several parts off until right near the Abrams being completed. I knid of wish I hadn't added the coils of razor wire just yet as I keep hitting them. Luckily they have some give.

I am starting to get used to my new camera. Never had a one with all these settings to play with. Kind of fun. Any one else like how the tank is a different colour each update? It's not the paint, just the camera settings.
Jeff, Scott, Keith, Gino, Mike, Andrew, Brent, Tim, John, Thomas, and anyone else. Thanks for looking and for all of your thoughts and help for this build.