Hi Lucas. I use Easy Off oven cleaner to strip off unwanted layers of paint. Works like a charm and doesn't damage what you're working on. Not sure about clear plastic though.
Anyway, Let's see what I've been up to. Ah yes. Home made decals. I spent quite a while drawing the art for my decals on Photoshop. One pixel at a time. For some reason the black ink is more durable than colored ink. I discovered this when after printing my decals I sprayed a clear coat over them. The black held up relatively fine but the blue (which had printed off perfectly) simply became a blue blur. It took a few tries and the decals did still bleed a little when I applied the clear coat, so this is the best that they're going to be. Unfortunately even a little bit of ink bleed makes an impact when the decals are so freaking tiny.
First the stars for the TC.

Again not as sharp as before the clear coat but without one they would disintegrate in the water. And here they are on the helmet.
First the real thing.

Now my attempt. Well third really.

He still needs his bottom lip painted and his helmet strap added. Almost ready to go on his body.
Next. The flames!

As you can see from the real helmet they were not painted the same on each side so I copied this.

My helmet is sand colored instead of green to help the flames stand out more.

I really love how his face turned out. Great expression too. These Hornet heads are simply the best out there. And this is how good they look when they are painted by someone with little experience. I think these flames are much better than my first attempt.

And finally the most intricate decal so far. This was inspired by a photo from the book Thunder Run published by Concord. A tanker had written "wild bunch" on his helmet and, well, again I couldn't resist. Again I used Photoshop to draw the artwork one pixel at a time. Actually the first decal I printed was too small! I printed another. Here it is.

Tiny huh.

Keep in mind this was the enlarged version. I tried to copy the original as best I could. It came out prtty close. Unfortunately there was a little color bleed. Not as bad as the stars but Like I said it doesn't take much.

I see he needs some touch up painting. None of the heads have received a flat clear coat yet so they are still a little shiny.
What else. Soldier got some camo to help blend in with the crowd. His vest needs another coat. I have seen vests with this color so I think it's accurate. Whether they are the exact same type of vest I am not sure.

Glued on some stowage. The packs with dust covers are very nice pieces from Legend. One (not used here but will save for my next M1) even comes with a bullet hole. A neat little detail. They were painted with a Model Master sand color and Humbrol for the other camo colors. Hi-lighting was done by mixing the base colors with white oil paint. Shading was by mixing the base colors with raw umber oil paint.

The creek bed got a fresh layer of dark brown paint. Over this went a very thin coat of the Woodland Scenics Water Effects. I am applying it about 1mm at a time.

And after about eight hours it looks like this.

The bottle says it takes a full 24 hours to dry so hopefully it will all be nice and clear tomorrow. I think it will take about six coats in total.
See you guys later.