Don't worry Grant. You and the rest of IPMS Winnipeg will see it in person when it is done. I suppose I could whip something together for the Sprue.
As far as a three legged dog. Maybe for my next Abrams dio. Oh yes, I am planning another already.
Unfortunately it seems I'm taking two steps forward than one step back lately. I lost the charging handle for the .50. But it's okay cause turns out I don't need it.
Than I fixed the dogs leg.

Too bad I lost the goats tail. Sigh.

Started painting the base. Don't worry about the black finish. I am going to sand it one final time and than give it a final coat of black and clear gloss.
First was a coat of Tamiya desert yellow.

This was followed with some Tamiya buff.

And most recently I decided to touch up the surface of my dirt road with some baking powder. I am using this to replicate a finer and smoother surface to parts of the road. Specifically where it is driven on.

This is sealed with a coat of hairspray to keep it from being blown off during the painting process. I WAS about to spray on another colour but then....I killed my compressor.

I managed to knock it off it's shelf and crash it went. Damn. Well I have been planning to get a new one for some time so I guess later today will do. Maybe one with a resevoir. And I need to get something so I can adjust the pressure. Haven't had that ability yet but that will soon change. Also I have finished my M2HB. Just need to paint it. Again. I have painted it three times and I am yet to be completely satisfied with the results. Fourth times the charm I hope.
Thanks for the comments. Bye for now.