With the release of the Meng Models A39 Tortoise and the Dragon T28 due this month how about a campaign for the Super Heavy Tank any scale any medium,scratch or kit
British TOG1 (tank) - 80 tons, 1 prototype
TOG2 (tank) - 80 tons, 1 prototype
Tortoise heavy assault tank - Self-propelled gun, 78 tons, 6 pilot models built and tested
Flying Elephant - First World War era project at 100 tons, not built
American T28 Super Heavy Tank - Self-propelled gun, 86 tons, 2 pilot models built
French Char 2C (also known as FCM 2C) - 69 tons, 10 built in the 1920s
FCM F1 - 139 tons, project only
German K-Wagen - 120 metric tons, 2 were nearly complete when the war ended. Both were demolished.
Panzer VII Löwe - 76–90 tons, cancelled in favour of Maus.
Panzer VIII Maus - 188 tons, 2 prototypes. Both were captured by Russians. One can now be seen at the Kubinka Tank Museum.
Panzerkampfwagen E-100 - 140 tons, 1 hull completed at factory. Captured by British and scrapped.
Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte - 1000 tons, turret was complete, but the project was cancelled. Turret was used for coastal defence.
Landkreuzer P. 1500 Monster - Self-propelled gun, 1500 tons. Tracks were complete when the project was cancelled.
Japanese O-I series "Super Heavy Tank" - 130 tons. Purportedly one prototype was produced in 1944 and sent to Manchuria.
"Ultra Heavy Tank" - Modification of the O-1 Super Heavy Tank with four turrets. Project only.
Soviet Eighty ton tank - at least 1 prototype built in 1926. 80 tons with two 76 mm main guns and 4 machine guns
Tank Grote (TG-5 or T-42) - 100 tons with 107 mm main gun and four subturrets. One prototype made - 1931 [1]
KV-4 - WWII supertank project. Several different designs were proposed (between about 90 and 110 tons and with one 107mm gun and one 45mm gun), but none were made.[2]
IS-7 - 1948 Soviet prototype super heavy tank. 68 metric tons, 1050hp diesel engine, 130mm main gun plus coaxial 14.5mm KPVT machine gun. 2 prototypes built.[3]
Obyekt 279[4] - 1959, 60 tons, Prototype tested.
How many E-100's or a Maus are burning a hole in your stash!!
Would start next year
Anyone interested?