Big update.
Turret time. The kit's turret is pretty nice. It comes with the option for a metal barrel as well as parts for both the Sagger and Spigot missile systems. I'm not using the antitank missile system for this build so both missile types went in to the spares.
Assembly was straight-forward. Four in one assembly of the turret.
Two side views of the finished turret with PE added bits and the metal barrel.
Combined the upper and lower hulls. I had left off the more delicate bits until later. The fit was good except for the rear, which needed a bit of clamping.
Indie tracks. I'm not sure if Trumpy went for workable tracks. They do snap together but really do not stay together well. Assembled two runs and dry-fitted them to the running gear.
Track lengths to paint. I used a very dark gray spray paint for the base coat.
Lower hull off to paint as well. White of course. I'll paint the upper hull later.
Road wheels rubber painted. I used panzer grey for this.
Finished the upper hull wit the delicate parts like the headlight and light guard assemblies. Added the PE grills as well.
Tracks mounted. I did have to use cement to some sections as they kept coming apart.
Back to paint. White over upper hull. I used plastic wrap to mask off the tracks and running gear.
Dried and assembled. Ready for weathering and washes.
And markings. These came from an old Tamiya Modern AFV Set that I've had since the 90s.
Posed next to a UN marked VAB. I didn't take any usable pictures from the weathering and washes process.

Washed and weathered. The blued periscopes look a lot more blue than they do in person. Weathering is a lot harder than I intended. But I had to go a bit overboard so the details didn't get washed out by the white in the pictures.

And with that I declare the BMP-1 done.