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I thought that the campaign rules said that the kit and other accessories need only be bought for less than the equalivant of $25 USD or whatever the amount in other currencies. If he had bought it for less than $25 in his native currency, I don't see why it can't be included? If the spares cane with the kit or if it's coming out if his spares box, then that would be fine, wouldn't it?
Absolutely, the problem is (if I got that right) the conversion kit was less then 20USD, not including the Dragon kit. Litterally using half of another kit, is a bit more than a "some spares"... hence the Dragon kit should have been calculated in the entire expenses. But how much of it?
As I sated somewhere before, if you´re not aware of the price you bought it, you can go with current market value. In this case, a kit with simmilar to Dragon Imperial "quality", partially started, almost 20 years old... which (on a scecond thought) can´t be that much, although can be still blow the budged.
As Marek said, "the boundaries of this project are soft", especially in such cases. If you read my first statement, I hope I made clear that I haven´t banned it from taking part, just expressed my reservations.
@Marek: It would be perfectly fine to me, if you´d choose to enter with your strange T-34... Actually I´d like to see it beeing build.
How about you use the left over hull and turret and surprise us with a second T-34 sunken in mud? Something like that?