Hello fellow campaigners,
It has been a while since I posted any updates of my build here in this campaign. It turns out the kit I purchased for this campaign (Dragon's Panzer III K) was missing the lower hull. The kit was sealed when I bought it second-hand at my LHS so either it was missing from the get-go or when I took the kit apart when I got it home I quickly misplaced it. So, instead of fretting about it I just turned to another build - a Jagdpanther - and focused on it for about 4 months. In the interim, I acquired a lower hull from another Dragon Panzer III kit and it fits perfectly. So, here we go with my first update.
Since coming off my last build of a Jagdpanther with a full interior and about 130 hours' worth of work I gladly dived into this one. It is enjoyable to do it straight from the box although on more than one occasion I cringed at the thought of not replacing something with aftermarket goodness...especially the barrel.
Here the wheels are cut, sanded and ready to go along with the lower hull suspension details. Wheels are being put to the side for a bit while I finish the upper hull and turret.
The hull being glued together and clamped to dry overnight.
It turns out that the upper hull is made for an older Pz III with a smaller turret ring. You have to carve away a couple of mm of ring diameter in the upper hull in order to allow the turret ring to fit. I first thought this was going to be a pain but turned out to be relatively easy. There are guides underneath the upper hull piece that help show you when enough is enough.
Some filling and sanding in the rear.
Some warpage in the front of the upper hull.

But luckily with the use of some clamps I was able to get the front plate on and help straighten it out.
The completed hull. Now on to the turret for this weekend.