Here are a few photos and comments for the 1/48 British Infantry from Tamiya:
I followed James Cann's guide here for painting figures with Acrylics.
I tried numerous times to give these fellows eyes to no avail. Ill try on the upcoming 1/35 figure.
These guys' faces are pretty bad and after multiple attempts I stopped trying and stuck with what I find to be only a acceptable final product. I don't know if it is my work or the poor sculpting.
I think the equipment on the soldier firing the rifle which was glued on after painting has better painting but the attachment of the gear is shotty. I conclude it is better to attach gear in a quality way and then deal with painting everything all together.
Finally the white priming was the best as lighter highlighting happens almost automatically.
Enough talk, pictures:
Different primer shades:

Half way through painting:

After washing, final construction and some other detailing, washing etc:

One last thought, I gave no regard to scale color, something I would have really considered on a vehicle or plane, here I sometimes used the paint directly from the bottle, something to remember for the next time.
I learned a lot, I have one more Resin figures to try in order to close out this campaign,
(Can Anyone Point Me In The Direction of a Good Tutorial/Guide to Building/Painting Resin Figs, this will be my first experience with the material?)
Thanks for looking,