Okay, this is the first time i got a masterbox kit.
They're pretty good, just not the best.
I've seen some flaws on the kit. Probably the most noticable one was the differnce between the box art and the kit itself. The box art depicts 4 soldiers, with 3 of them wearing sunglasses, while the kit features no sunglassses on every head. Well, it's not much of a problem, since masterbox also include the picture of the actual kit behind the box, that shop buyers will know what are they going to get. Just not so with online buyers.
Next, the kit.
I found some seamline on the kit. Ulnlike dragon figs which have minimum seamline, MB's kit has some highly visible ones. I also found sone molding excess, but in tolerable amount.
The details are pretty good for a straight-out-of-the-box kit.
I found all those by building the figure i posted previously.
I build it straight through, that it only took 2.5 hours to finish without detailing.
I did that everytime i try a new brand, so i knew the flaws, which i can fix for the other 3 figures. Basicly, the machine gunner was a test platform, since it's the figure i least concerned
So now i know that i'm gonna need some putty to fix these flaws.
Hope this would help me on improving my figures

By the way, the real reason why it look so awful is......
I suck at figures (that's the reason i'm in, right?)