Began working on my US Modern Infantry (Iraq War) figures. The kit cam with both Army and Marines. I'm just doing the Army. Will be using them in a diorama I'm planning.
I built the Saw gunner first:
He went together pretty easily but I'll have to fill gap from the two halves of the legs. Which I discovered I'll have to do on the other 3 figures as well.
The sniper came next. I didn't like how they had him standing and dialing in the scope. Having gone through sniper school back in the day, we never shot offhand and standing. So I converted him to the prone position and splayed out his pouches. I was in the Army from '85 to '89 (3/75 Ranger) and we didn't wear the body armor as depicted so I took a liberty in splaying out the pouches. Please correct me if that is wrong...I probably won't change it but I'll know for future reference.
To get him from a standing position to prone, I used a glued the Legs and torso together and let them dry. I then took a candle and heated the legs so that I could twist them outwards.
As you can see in the second picture, I burned the right leg. Paint will hide it. Next came the head. I had to re-angle the neck so I cut a wedge off the back and glued it to the front. It wasn't at good looking angle so I cut a bit off the head and then it looked good so I glued it. Had to do similar to the arms. The original figure had him dialing in the scope but I figured since he is pulling security and not engaging the enemy, I'd have him one hand the weapon as it looked more natural. To me it does. Overall I'm happy with him.
Being that these are my first figures for a diorama, I'm happy with the way they all came out. Here is the team:

And just for fun I placed them on the in-progress build that they'll be going with:

Now, on to the hard part, painting...