Hello fellow model and diorama builders - as you can see from the pics above, I've started a new dio.
Unfortunately, I'm writing during my lunch break at work, so don't have too much time today to fill you in with great detail about the proposal - so, here's the overview:
During my last project, I learned of the common circumstances where the D9 was used - predominantly in Iraq, with documented activity around 2004. I also discovered that it appears that while iconic, it's possible that there might have only been about 20 or so of these in use by the Army and Marines in Iraq, at the time.
While finding this out, I discovered that two key areas of their prominent use were Baghdad and Fallujah. For my dio, I'll be exploring the Baghdad metro region, circa spring, 2004, by the US Army.
In addition to the D9, I'll include a couple of up armored M1114s and a Bradley M6 Linebacker. A street/building debris clearing scene. This family of equipment was noted in various accounts of events in 2004, in and around Baghdad. I like the idea of the M6 - it has a Stinger 4 pack - to be scratch built, instead of the TOW. (Thanks Gino for some good ref ideas!)
Below are a couple of prototype photos. The point of note here is that while these generally look similar, there are of course variances in colors etc. While many of the dozer's show wear, and an undercoat of CAT yellow, some don't - some appear to have direct from the factory CAT yellow replacement parts, and, some don't. I decided - no CAT yellow for mine.
Next, the field fabricated RPG cage. These were installed on at least 12 Marines CATs for Fallujah - I don't know if the Army used them in Baghdad - I made the decision, that yes, mine would have the cage -
OK - back to the CAT:
I did a light touch on the cab interior - while it' pretty nice, it will be very tough to see through the tinted windows - which, btw, are pretty nice! and my RPG mesh.
The D9, even with my various modifications went together pretty smoothly -I bumbled around a bit with the tracks, but, I'm not that experienced with them, so, I'll bet those of you with more experience would have no trouble at all -
Now, on to the layout. This will be an intersection of two streets - one, the wide multilane road with a median, the other narrow, local dirt street. The buildings will have ground floor shops, and apartments above. Some portion of one and maybe two will have experienced damage from the fight - and there will be plenty of debris in the street -
and some more work with textures etc:
And there you have it - thanks for checking it out - I've got to get back to work!