Rick... Love the ambulance Jeep, I have some photos of one on my website from an event, and I think one of those may be my next jeep project..
Sal I like the light weathering you have done on yours.
G.Houle I really like the shading you have done on yours.
Damian, my what a colorful Jeep and BIG radio you have.. LOL
Paweł can't say anything but Wow.. your model looks better then the photos of the actual vehicles I have.. he he...
I see there are more to come and I will be watching... now here is my update....
I took this photo with no flash using day lighting to give a better view of the colors..
I've weathered it up with some AK Interactive Dust Effects and some Dust pigments. I think I have it toned down to a more military look.. the pigments are a little heavy in places but will be toned down more when I spray my flat coat on..
I am going for a dusty look of a vehicle thats been out the field being used as a Jeep... LOL