That new rolling technique looks to be worth trying out some more. And everything else is shaping up real nice.
Do you love dioramas & vignettes? We sure do.
Do you love dioramas & vignettes? We sure do.
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Posted: Sunday, November 27, 2016 - 01:16 AM UTC


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Posted: Sunday, November 27, 2016 - 04:35 AM UTC
@Marcos-thanks for the kind comments buddy !
@ John-if you check some of the figs here they do have dust on their clothing and coats,etc. I do plan to add some more on various figs when I get the colors of the groundwork ironed out. The films and still pics I have (and I have seen a lot of footage now) don't seem to show much dirt and stains. These folks were on the road and not in the trenches like the poor slobs that went through the Halbe pocket,etc.
Nice perception though and thanks for bringing it up.
@Kimmo-thanks for keeping with me on this endless build buddy.I agree,that new method works very well. It is from my buddy Mirko in Sweden. He also recommended the Greenstuff putty. I like that as well.
@ John-if you check some of the figs here they do have dust on their clothing and coats,etc. I do plan to add some more on various figs when I get the colors of the groundwork ironed out. The films and still pics I have (and I have seen a lot of footage now) don't seem to show much dirt and stains. These folks were on the road and not in the trenches like the poor slobs that went through the Halbe pocket,etc.
Nice perception though and thanks for bringing it up.
@Kimmo-thanks for keeping with me on this endless build buddy.I agree,that new method works very well. It is from my buddy Mirko in Sweden. He also recommended the Greenstuff putty. I like that as well.


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Posted: Sunday, November 27, 2016 - 09:15 PM UTC
I guess I missed the "textile rolling" part of the build. Would you care to repeat?
Also, I was just looking at the German Shepherd sitting next to the woman sitting on the basket and next to the little girl and wonder about the dog's size. He appears to be as tall as the woman and sitting and taller than the little girl. Did I miss something? This is, honest to God, the first time I have ever questioned anything in your work. It is always so good so I am wondering did I miss something...
Also, you've got a PM.
Keep the work coming. I am woolgathering about my next project and the PM is regarding it.
I love this forum and your work. It is so inspiring!
Also, I was just looking at the German Shepherd sitting next to the woman sitting on the basket and next to the little girl and wonder about the dog's size. He appears to be as tall as the woman and sitting and taller than the little girl. Did I miss something? This is, honest to God, the first time I have ever questioned anything in your work. It is always so good so I am wondering did I miss something...
Also, you've got a PM.
Keep the work coming. I am woolgathering about my next project and the PM is regarding it.
I love this forum and your work. It is so inspiring!


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Posted: Sunday, November 27, 2016 - 11:03 PM UTC
Might be the forced perspective with the dog as in person it appears to be in scale ? It is meant to be a big dog,like a King Shepard.
The textile thing is just rolling the putty between two sheets of wax paper,letting it set up a bit and the pealing the paper away. It gets nice and thin.
The textile thing is just rolling the putty between two sheets of wax paper,letting it set up a bit and the pealing the paper away. It gets nice and thin.


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Posted: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 01:17 AM UTC
Jerry, that rolling technique was great!
What was it that you used for that, again? 2 part epoxy? I may try my hand at this as I want to have a laundry line in a dio I am working on!
This is really coming together. Your detail work is incredible and the way you're able to mod the figures and get them to look as though that's how they were meant to be is amazing. Very inspiring for me, and I am going to attempt to do a bit of modding of figs myself soon!
What was it that you used for that, again? 2 part epoxy? I may try my hand at this as I want to have a laundry line in a dio I am working on!
This is really coming together. Your detail work is incredible and the way you're able to mod the figures and get them to look as though that's how they were meant to be is amazing. Very inspiring for me, and I am going to attempt to do a bit of modding of figs myself soon!


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Posted: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 01:22 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Jerry, that rolling technique was great!
What was it that you used for that, again? 2 part epoxy? I may try my hand at this as I want to have a laundry line in a dio I am working on!
This is really coming together. Your detail work is incredible and the way you're able to mod the figures and get them to look as though that's how they were meant to be is amazing. Very inspiring for me, and I am going to attempt to do a bit of modding of figs myself soon!
Thanks a bunch for your kind words and encouragement. Knowing that I am helping in any small way makes it worthwhile to me to post here as I do !
I use two part putty,yes. Right now I mostly use epoxysculpt but I recently got some Greenstuff putty and I also like it a lot.
You may want to give cigarette rolling paper a try for laundry. I saw someone here use it and it was awesome ! Transparent even.


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Posted: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 01:31 AM UTC
Excellent, thanks for the tip!
I have some epoxy sculpt around here somewhere....
I have some epoxy sculpt around here somewhere....


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Posted: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 03:16 AM UTC


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Posted: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 04:02 AM UTC
You're certainly keeping the figure makers in business. Keep on trucking.


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Posted: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 05:42 AM UTC
Yikes! ... I Just left Nick's blog and between the two of you guys, I think the forums may be nearing figure painting critical mass!💥
Great to see such skill and motivation!
Did you mean Apoxy Sculpt?
Great to see such skill and motivation!
Quoted Text
epoxy sculpt
Did you mean Apoxy Sculpt?


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Posted: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 06:33 AM UTC
Christ Almighty, J, when does it end? I love it. It's safe to say that this one is going to be a masterpiece once finished. I still can't get over the rate at which you're plowing through all of these figures and still coming out with such great results!


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Posted: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 08:12 AM UTC
Great work Jerry,
#9999 De-lurking again. The rolling ploy reminded me of an Antiques show I saw recently in which the mystery item turned out to be a Tie-Press. Assuming you yanks call a mangle a mangle, imagine a miniature mangle – desktop size, and the tie was fed between the rollers using a crank handle. Feeding strips of putty thru that would be a breeze. Reckon you could start up a new after-market enterprise – The Rutman Roller. Motorized even! I’ll take my usual 10%.
Cheers, Tim
#9999 De-lurking again. The rolling ploy reminded me of an Antiques show I saw recently in which the mystery item turned out to be a Tie-Press. Assuming you yanks call a mangle a mangle, imagine a miniature mangle – desktop size, and the tie was fed between the rollers using a crank handle. Feeding strips of putty thru that would be a breeze. Reckon you could start up a new after-market enterprise – The Rutman Roller. Motorized even! I’ll take my usual 10%.

Cheers, Tim


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Posted: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 07:22 PM UTC
39 and 40 look great, I have 39 in my stash and I have used 40. Can you give us a overall shot of what the scene will look like. We have seen the truck and it's load of refugees, the building and now some figures on the ground. It would be great to get a feel of how it all will come together.


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Posted: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 08:58 PM UTC
I've been lurking mostly, but I always look forward to your updates.
I can't wait to see this diorama when it is done. Keep up the good work.
I've been lurking mostly, but I always look forward to your updates.
I can't wait to see this diorama when it is done. Keep up the good work.


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Posted: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - 02:13 AM UTC
OK,lets see,
Kimmo-thanks man,yes,lots of figs but they were collected over a fairly long time period so not so hard to absorb the cost?
Mike--yes,Apoxy,I always forget that.
Connor-Masterpiece...maybe. Maybe not. It could just be a big mangled mess ! We'll see. But thanks for the encouragement buddy.
Tim- Good idea about the roller. That would save time but the problem is,the putty would stick to it and would make a big mess !
Greg-Thanks for the kudos. I don't wanna put it all together as the buildings are neatly stowed away and that would mean a lot of stuff has to be moved around to make a mock up possible. Probably when I get the figs and the truck finished I will get all the components out and have some play time ?
Derek-thanks for turning off the "lurking mode" brother ! Thanks for the comments.
Thanks all,for looking,even the ones with the lurking device still activated.
Kimmo-thanks man,yes,lots of figs but they were collected over a fairly long time period so not so hard to absorb the cost?
Mike--yes,Apoxy,I always forget that.
Connor-Masterpiece...maybe. Maybe not. It could just be a big mangled mess ! We'll see. But thanks for the encouragement buddy.
Tim- Good idea about the roller. That would save time but the problem is,the putty would stick to it and would make a big mess !
Greg-Thanks for the kudos. I don't wanna put it all together as the buildings are neatly stowed away and that would mean a lot of stuff has to be moved around to make a mock up possible. Probably when I get the figs and the truck finished I will get all the components out and have some play time ?
Derek-thanks for turning off the "lurking mode" brother ! Thanks for the comments.
Thanks all,for looking,even the ones with the lurking device still activated.
Posted: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - 04:18 AM UTC
The new kids, 39 and 40, look phenomenal. You're killing it with all the plaids! Lovin' it! I'm looking forward to the big reveal when you show the whole scene. Can you give us an idea of the size of the dio? With the truck, horse cart, buildings, and all the people it's going to be spectacular. Truly museum worthy.
Keep it up!
The new kids, 39 and 40, look phenomenal. You're killing it with all the plaids! Lovin' it! I'm looking forward to the big reveal when you show the whole scene. Can you give us an idea of the size of the dio? With the truck, horse cart, buildings, and all the people it's going to be spectacular. Truly museum worthy.
Keep it up!


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Posted: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - 05:25 AM UTC
Quoted Text
The new kids, 39 and 40, look phenomenal. You're killing it with all the plaids! Lovin' it! I'm looking forward to the big reveal when you show the whole scene. Can you give us an idea of the size of the dio? With the truck, horse cart, buildings, and all the people it's going to be spectacular. Truly museum worthy.
Keep it up!
I haven't actually nailed down the size yet John. But you folks here on this channel will be the first to know ! Maybe about 18inches by 30inches? Along those lines anyway.


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Posted: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - 08:26 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextJerry,
The new kids, 39 and 40, look phenomenal. You're killing it with all the plaids! Lovin' it! I'm looking forward to the big reveal when you show the whole scene. Can you give us an idea of the size of the dio? With the truck, horse cart, buildings, and all the people it's going to be spectacular. Truly museum worthy.
Keep it up!
I haven't actually nailed down the size yet John. But you folks here on this channel will be the first to know ! Maybe about 18inches by 30inches? Along those lines anyway.
I am trying to imagine 18 x 30 with all those figures and then I remember WAAAAAAY back (so far back, I maybe need Peabody and Sherman and the WayBack Machine), there was a photo that you were using for reference. Seems to me it was quite crowded! I think it is going to be pretty spectacular!
Your figure building deserves a tutorial and a book!
Thanks for sharing all this work with us.
I will now return to the dark side and reactivate the lurking device.


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Posted: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - 08:55 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextJerry,
The new kids, 39 and 40, look phenomenal. You're killing it with all the plaids! Lovin' it! I'm looking forward to the big reveal when you show the whole scene. Can you give us an idea of the size of the dio? With the truck, horse cart, buildings, and all the people it's going to be spectacular. Truly museum worthy.
Keep it up!
I haven't actually nailed down the size yet John. But you folks here on this channel will be the first to know ! Maybe about 18inches by 30inches? Along those lines anyway.
I've always wanted to do a Big Diorama, but I always come down to the same problem, where am I going to put it when I'm done.


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Posted: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - 10:06 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextQuoted TextJerry,
The new kids, 39 and 40, look phenomenal. You're killing it with all the plaids! Lovin' it! I'm looking forward to the big reveal when you show the whole scene. Can you give us an idea of the size of the dio? With the truck, horse cart, buildings, and all the people it's going to be spectacular. Truly museum worthy.
Keep it up!
I haven't actually nailed down the size yet John. But you folks here on this channel will be the first to know ! Maybe about 18inches by 30inches? Along those lines anyway.
I've always wanted to do a Big Diorama, but I always come down to the same problem, where am I going to put it when I'm done.
I have room to display one big dio but that's it. And probably on one will see it anyway! After a few months I will put it in a large box and then,when I get tired of moving the said box I will through it out.


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Posted: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - 10:43 PM UTC
Cool Jerry,
I was asked about working out the M*A*S*H* Camp as a Diroama, and after the math, I said, no, you would need at least Two 4'x8' sheets of plywood, to get close.
I was asked about working out the M*A*S*H* Camp as a Diroama, and after the math, I said, no, you would need at least Two 4'x8' sheets of plywood, to get close.


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Posted: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - 10:55 PM UTC
Quoted Text
… After a few months I will put it in a large box and then,when I get tired of moving the said box I will through it out.
Ohhh! … this is the big one!!! ...


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Posted: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 - 02:03 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextQuoted TextQuoted TextJerry,
The new kids, 39 and 40, look phenomenal. You're killing it with all the plaids! Lovin' it! I'm looking forward to the big reveal when you show the whole scene. Can you give us an idea of the size of the dio? With the truck, horse cart, buildings, and all the people it's going to be spectacular. Truly museum worthy.
Keep it up!
You would keep all those figures to repurpose right?
I haven't actually nailed down the size yet John. But you folks here on this channel will be the first to know ! Maybe about 18inches by 30inches? Along those lines anyway.
I've always wanted to do a Big Diorama, but I always come down to the same problem, where am I going to put it when I'm done.
I have room to display one big dio but that's it. And probably on one will see it anyway! After a few months I will put it in a large box and then,when I get tired of moving the said box I will through it out.


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Posted: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 - 02:40 AM UTC
Great update again. I got a habit to check this thread and facebook daily to see the progress. Great pleasure to follow this built.
Thanks for sharing Sir
Thanks for sharing Sir


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Posted: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 - 03:32 AM UTC
Derek-that would indeed be enormous ! I did a 4X8 railroad layout once but that was the biggest so far.
Mike-Bwaahaahaahaaaaaa. I loved that show. My platoon sgt Hmvee in Iraq looked like the Sanford and Son junk truck.
Patrick-re-purpose ? where is the fun in that ? heheh
Engin-Very nice thing to say buddy. I am flattered that you would take time for that.
Well,OK,here is number 40 and 41. If you count the dog,it's 41 and 42? I think?
Straight out of the box from the mighty Stalingrad once again.

Who doesn't remember getting this treatment from Mom ?
Mike-Bwaahaahaahaaaaaa. I loved that show. My platoon sgt Hmvee in Iraq looked like the Sanford and Son junk truck.
Patrick-re-purpose ? where is the fun in that ? heheh
Engin-Very nice thing to say buddy. I am flattered that you would take time for that.
Well,OK,here is number 40 and 41. If you count the dog,it's 41 and 42? I think?
Straight out of the box from the mighty Stalingrad once again.

Who doesn't remember getting this treatment from Mom ?
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