Hosted by Richard S.
Landships Campaign


Joined: August 23, 2016
KitMaker: 165 posts
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Posted: Saturday, October 08, 2016 - 04:40 AM UTC
Also, fully unrelated to the campaign, but I might end up trying to post a build blog in the next couple weeks to test uploading photos... Should be fun.
Posted: Monday, October 10, 2016 - 10:33 PM UTC
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I'm not going to lie, that tank has always looked pretty absurd to me! I can normally respect a design even if it didnt get with the times... But that thing, lol... So strange and inconvenient looking. The French really went crazy with those landships though, FCM F1, Char 2C, St Chamond... Honestly, I'm amazed the FT-17 looked "normal"! Still though, everyone has their preferences, I dont doubt it could look nice.
By the way, nice KV-5 build! I was looking at the Takom one myself, only havent bothered due to "KV-burnout".
Out of curiosity though, would a Char B1 be valid for the campaign? Sortof a landship-light IMO. I'm probably sticking with my plan of an M60 (Either A1, or A3 when its released...), but still, might give me an excuse to finally buy a B1!
The very absurdity of the St, Chamond is part of its charm. It is so weird and unlikely looking that it is on my short list. I'm going to have to learn painting better before I tackle it, however. I do hope some other folks will build some of them for this campaign . . .
A Char B is perfect for this campaign. It combined the large sponson mounted cannon with a turret that mounted a smaller cannon, very much like the M3 Grant/Lee.
Posted: Monday, October 10, 2016 - 10:45 PM UTC
I'm very curious about the TAKOM KV-5 kit. The Trumpeter one had a number of issues but was pretty easy to build for the most part. I have to wonder if the manufacturers have a modeler actually build their kits before the tooling is finalized. This KV-5 model had the large turret fowling the front MG turret both fore & aft. I had to fix the problem with the gun shield but ignored the rear turret overhang issue. I speculated that Trumpeter working from drawings or pictures that were not fully worked out. Turret interference is pretty basic stuff!
Overall I recommend the Trumpeter version. If you like their KVs you will see much to like here too.
I hope TAKOM has worked through the issues better though.
Overall I recommend the Trumpeter version. If you like their KVs you will see much to like here too.
I hope TAKOM has worked through the issues better though.


Joined: December 02, 2014
KitMaker: 109 posts
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Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 01:02 AM UTC
This is right up my alley! I have an Amusing Hobbies Neubaufahrzeug and a Hobby Boss T-28 waiting in the queue. I'm presently building an M3 Lee; I have a St. Chamond that I've yet to paint. In the last couple years or so I've built a Mark IV, Char 2c, and a T-35; stripped paint from a Char B1 bis, then refurbished it with PE and repainted with a unique camo scheme. I'm hoping for a Schneider and an A7V for Christmas. Now, if I could just figure out how to do photo uploads...
Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 02:00 AM UTC
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This is right up my alley! I have an Amusing Hobbies Neubaufahrzeug and a Hobby Boss T-28 waiting in the queue. I'm presently building an M3 Lee; I have a St. Chamond that I've yet to paint. In the last couple years or so I've built a Mark IV, Char 2c, and a T-35; stripped paint from a Char B1 bis, then refurbished it with PE and repainted with a unique camo scheme. I'm hoping for a Schneider and an A7V for Christmas. Now, if I could just figure out how to do photo uploads...
Yes, this really is right up your alley! Welcome aboard with any of the Landships you choose. What trouble are you having with the photos? Perhaps I or some of our fellow campaigners cane provide some guidance.


Joined: December 02, 2014
KitMaker: 109 posts
Armorama: 97 posts

Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 05:54 PM UTC
I've tried uploading a few and have failed. I'm probably not following or getting something in the directions (I'm NOT the most tech-savvy guy in the world). Gonna give it another shot, though.
Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 - 10:14 PM UTC
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I've tried uploading a few and have failed. I'm probably not following or getting something in the directions (I'm NOT the most tech-savvy guy in the world). Gonna give it another shot, though.
OK, let us know what you are trying that did not work and maybe someone can lend a hand. Perhaps there is a tutorial on this someplace?
Posted: Thursday, October 13, 2016 - 07:55 PM UTC
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Quoted TextI've tried uploading a few and have failed. I'm probably not following or getting something in the directions (I'm NOT the most tech-savvy guy in the world). Gonna give it another shot, though.
OK, let us know what you are trying that did not work and maybe someone can lend a hand. Perhaps there is a tutorial on this someplace?
Karl, am guessing the issue may be the picture resolution. The max the gallery can take is 800 x 600 pixels. If you keep the pic within or lower that, then you shouldn't have trouble uploading. Feel free to ask around. Cheers, Tat


Joined: December 02, 2014
KitMaker: 109 posts
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Posted: Thursday, October 13, 2016 - 08:34 PM UTC
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Quoted TextQuoted TextI've tried uploading a few and have failed. I'm probably not following or getting something in the directions (I'm NOT the most tech-savvy guy in the world). Gonna give it another shot, though.
OK, let us know what you are trying that did not work and maybe someone can lend a hand. Perhaps there is a tutorial on this someplace?
Karl, am guessing the issue may be the picture resolution. The max the gallery can take is 800 x 600 pixels. If you keep the pic within or lower that, then you shouldn't have trouble uploading. Feel free to ask around. Cheers, Tat
Not sure what the standard resolution is on an iPhone but that's what I've used for my pictures. I 've read something either here or on the Kitmakers site that suggested getting a Photo Bucket or similar account and uploading from there. Seems like a convoluted process to me; is that necessary?! But thanks for the input--I'll look into that.


Joined: March 04, 2007
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Posted: Thursday, October 13, 2016 - 08:56 PM UTC
All signed up and I will most likely be doing a Mark 5 in white Russian post WW1 colours.
Posted: Thursday, October 13, 2016 - 09:00 PM UTC
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Not sure what the standard resolution is on an iPhone but that's what I've used for my pictures. I 've read something either here or on the Kitmakers site that suggested getting a Photo Bucket or similar account and uploading from there. Seems like a convoluted process to me; is that necessary?! But thanks for the input--I'll look into that.
OK, that is going to be an issue. You are going to need to use some sort of image processing software to reduce the size of your photos. I use PHOTOSHOP but there are many others. My Mac comes with something right out of the box, I'll bet PCs do as well. You will need to learn some basics here but the advantage is that you can crop & enhance your photos and that will show your models better. Its a good skill to learn for all sorts of purposes.


Joined: August 23, 2016
KitMaker: 165 posts
Armorama: 160 posts

Posted: Thursday, October 13, 2016 - 09:28 PM UTC
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I'm very curious about the TAKOM KV-5 kit. The Trumpeter one had a number of issues but was pretty easy to build for the most part. I have to wonder if the manufacturers have a modeler actually build their kits before the tooling is finalized. This KV-5 model had the large turret fowling the front MG turret both fore & aft. I had to fix the problem with the gun shield but ignored the rear turret overhang issue. I speculated that Trumpeter working from drawings or pictures that were not fully worked out. Turret interference is pretty basic stuff!
Overall I recommend the Trumpeter version. If you like their KVs you will see much to like here too.
I hope TAKOM has worked through the issues better though.
Fair enough, I've only had good luck with their KVs so far. Currently intending on getting the KV-220 version soon, which is why I've yet to pick up a KV-5, lol.
Strange issue though, I must assume it was due to multiple sets of plans, or something like that. As for the Takom one, it doesnt seem to have that issue, but I've never seen it myself.
As for the other comment, I am actually pretty tempted to pick up a Char B1 for the campaign, looks pretty nice. We'll see though, currently intending to get a Type 87 and Strv103 next month, so it might take me a bit extra to start my build if I get it.
Posted: Friday, October 14, 2016 - 04:12 AM UTC
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Quoted TextNot sure what the standard resolution is on an iPhone but that's what I've used for my pictures. I 've read something either here or on the Kitmakers site that suggested getting a Photo Bucket or similar account and uploading from there. Seems like a convoluted process to me; is that necessary?! But thanks for the input--I'll look into that.
OK, that is going to be an issue. You are going to need to use some sort of image processing software to reduce the size of your photos. I use PHOTOSHOP but there are many others. My Mac comes with something right out of the box, I'll bet PCs do as well. You will need to learn some basics here but the advantage is that you can crop & enhance your photos and that will show your models better. Its a good skill to learn for all sorts of purposes.
If it's a PC you have, it comes with MS Paint program free. Another is MS Office, but it needs to be paid for to be installed.


Joined: December 08, 2003
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Posted: Friday, October 14, 2016 - 07:23 AM UTC
Smart phones usually come with a photo editing application. I am a long time user of Photoshop and was surprised to find I could color correct and crop on my phone. Then I upload it to Dropbox so I can put it directly into Photo bucket.
No more convoluted than developing photos and getting print copies for every person I want to give pictures to. Then high-res images or proofs for printing? I push a button and it's loaded. I move a mouse it's cropped. Gotta love computers.
No more convoluted than developing photos and getting print copies for every person I want to give pictures to. Then high-res images or proofs for printing? I push a button and it's loaded. I move a mouse it's cropped. Gotta love computers.
Posted: Sunday, October 16, 2016 - 09:32 PM UTC
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All signed up and I will most likely be doing a Mark 5 in white Russian post WW1 colours.
This is a great idea! The Russian civil war gets too little attention, I'm glad to see your landship will bring some attention there.
Posted: Sunday, October 16, 2016 - 09:44 PM UTC
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Smart phones usually come with a photo editing application. I am a long time user of Photoshop and was surprised to find I could color correct and crop on my phone. Then I upload it to Dropbox so I can put it directly into Photo bucket.
No more convoluted than developing photos and getting print copies for every person I want to give pictures to. Then high-res images or proofs for printing? I push a button and it's loaded. I move a mouse it's cropped. Gotta love computers.
I had no idea that my smart phone could edit images. I would never WANT to do this as the teenie-tiny screen would never show my olde eyes enough to attempt it. I like to throw the images up on the Cinema Display and have a good look.
I sure have to agree with you about computers helping photography. I used to spend evenings in the darkroom trying to get the prints to look the way I thought they should. Each change need a new test strip and color printing paper was very dear. Now I can do the same job in minutes in Photoshop and only print (or post) when the project is completely ready.
Karl - I agree that the process of posting pictures is convoluted. It is also very common with these online forums. The good part is that once you get used to it, it becomes a matter of routine. Hang in there, learn the drill and soon you will be sharing your work for everyone to enjoy.
Posted: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 - 03:51 AM UTC
I found a tutorial about posting pictures for those of us facing this mystifying task for the first time:
Posted: Friday, October 21, 2016 - 03:13 AM UTC
I ran across a very interesting Landship some time ago. It was built by Vickers in the UK in the 1920s and never put into production. The sole example survived and is in a museum now. Even though it was not produced, the design was influential and the Soviet T-35 is a very similar looking vehicle. Here is a link for more information:
Posted: Friday, October 21, 2016 - 04:42 AM UTC
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I ran across a very interesting Landship some time ago. It was built by Vickers in the UK in the 1920s and never put into production. The sole example survived and is in a museum now. Even though it was not produced, the design was influential and the Soviet T-35 is a very similar looking vehicle. Here is a link for more information:
Wow, that's a beast I've never seen....hmmmm maybe someone offered this as a kit? I doubt it...
Posted: Friday, October 21, 2016 - 04:51 AM UTC
There was one, sometime back:

Posted: Friday, October 21, 2016 - 05:16 AM UTC
There you go, more proof that a few thousand heads are better than one! Thanks, Tat!
Posted: Friday, October 21, 2016 - 05:30 AM UTC
Wow! I'm impressed that someone did one of these. At 325 pounds it would be a very spendy kit. It appears to be out of production, perhaps a good thing for my wallet . . .
Posted: Friday, October 21, 2016 - 06:58 AM UTC
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There you go, more proof that a few thousand heads are better than one! Thanks, Tat!


Joined: March 28, 2007
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Posted: Friday, October 21, 2016 - 07:06 AM UTC
Boy I wish HobbyBoss or someone else, would release that in plastic, I'd be the first one in line, (might be a short line though)! If that someone is following this, I think the tracks were wider than the Matilda/Vickers tracks so don't muck that part up (ask someone to measure them for you PLEASE!)
Posted: Sunday, October 23, 2016 - 11:32 PM UTC
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Boy I wish HobbyBoss or someone else, would release that in plastic, I'd be the first one in line, (might be a short line though)! If that someone is following this, I think the tracks were wider than the Matilda/Vickers tracks so don't muck that part up (ask someone to measure them for you PLEASE!)
This sounds like to introduction to a story . . .
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