"Dear Mr Verlinden
I hope this missive finds you well, for I am somewhat ill at ease and in less than in good spirits myself.
The cause for my current condition can be found in one of your delightful products:
# 547 M981 'Fist' M113 Coversion Kit.
"What perturbs me?" you ask..
Well it appears this product is somewhat less than the quality that I would expect from a gentleman of your reputation. In fact, I must say I feel the quality control on this item has been quite scandalous and the overly (very overly) simplified nature of the detail quite unbecoming to a modeller's even reduced expectations of standards.
Might I elaborate?
Now I must admit, my knowledge of the sciences may be limited to high school level education, however, even so, I feel I have sufficient ability to grasp the concepts of physics and gravity. So much so, that I am quite aware that in order to support something more tangible than imagination off the ground, said item must be connected to other such items in turn connected with the surface of the earth, else some form of reverse polarity magnetism must be engaged. I am fairly certain that the M981 'FIST', in real life, has no such magnetically induced tendencies, which leads me to ponder your intent in these components of said M981 Fist Conversion Kit...

What is more, the principles of the TARDIS notwithstanding, it is commonly understood that for something small to be on the outside, the outside itself must, indeed, be even smaller than that which is to be the outside... my point in illustration dear sir..
It is also with great misgiving that I must also point out that the solid sides and flat bottom of the ocular assembly you have provided in no way represents that which can be found on the subject vehicle in real life.
I appreciate that my commentary may appear a trifle harsh, particularly as having acquired said conversion kits some 3 decades prior, and as such, your ability to correct such issues as to improve upon the product and projected sales is somewhat moot. However, it ill behooves me to sit idly by and allow such shoddy workmanship slide without having at least brought the issue to your attention.
My duty now complete, I wish you 'Adieu' (safe in the knowledge your native tongue is French) and give you the time that investigation of this travesty will undoubtedly take.
Yours Faithfully
Peter Battle."