If you're going to order the eBook from ArmyBooks...
http://www.armybook.com/summary.html?code=0103003074...there's another one you might be interested in. It's 66 pages with 55 images, and is more of a repair guide, great if you want to rebuild the clutch, or get the lobes on the camshafts just right, but maybe not for everyone. However, it does have a very interesting diagram of the hoist used to pull the engine. The description at ArmyBooks has some sample pages including the hoist...
http://www.armybook.com/summary.html?code=0103020cm7Oh man, while grabbing that link, I noticed a link for more armor related eBooks...
http://www.armybook.com/show.html?code=0103020While some of these may not be that useful for building the model, they certainly look interesting. One reason I build models is to learn how something was designed and how it works. With tanks there's also the role they played in history. Anyway I also ordered:
E-BOOK 0048 Bastion 8. Soviet and Russian Self Propelled Guns and Air Defence Vehicles. 88 pages. More 200 illustr. (I'm hoping there will be something in there for you MrMox...I'll let you know)
E-BOOK 0115 Manual on a tank machine gun DT. Moscow 1943. 70 pages.
E-BOOK 0118 The instruction tankman on struggle of the Soviet tanks with german tanks. Moscow 1942, 16 pages.
E-BOOK 0119 Features of action armored and mechanized troops/forces in the winter. Moscow 1944, 70 pages
E-BOOK 0120 Tanks landing. Moscow 1944, 40 pages.
E-BOOK 0129 The instruction on evacuation of tanks in winter conditions. Moscow 1942, 28 pages.
E-BOOK 0139 Manual on evacuation of the got stuck tanks from a field of fight. Moscow 1942, 38 pages.
E-BOOK 0141 Vulnerable places of the german self-propelled Ferdinand and methods of struggle with it. Moscow 1943, 10 pages.
E-BOOK 0143 The instruction to crew on use of the trophy german average tank T-III. Moscow 1943, 54 pages.
E-BOOK 0144 Tanks and armored car of Red army. The determinant. Moscow 1942, 6 pages.
All for under $20...not bad.
I'll keep my eye out for the OT-34 Flamethrower workings. I didn't see anything in the two eBooks I have.
Some day I'll get my workroom set up in the new house and actually be able to put some ideas into real live plastic.