Hi,seyahmit: Understand what you're talking about on the brake pieces--C33. It would have been much better if Trumpeter had formed these out of PE instead of plastic, as the 'bending' of this plastic around those wheels, just doesn't quite get it. I found that after bending it around 2 or 3 times, they began to show weak spots and I did have one break three-fourths of the way across on the bottom of the part before I glued it on to the wheel. But, luckily, as it was across the bottom, and a little filling with Green Stuff and some sanding cleaned this up okay. And it's not seen anyway where it's at. As these two pieces were drying, I put a rubber band tightly around them, making sure that I didn't break off those two little tips on top of C-33 in doing so, and they came out okay. Guess the model gods decided to give this poor child a break here. Sure I'll pay for this somewhere else. Ha, ha! Could it also be that I may be actually getting better at this hobby? That's a frightening thought.
I had to be sure, at least on mine, that I got the front of of these linings glued all the way down onto the wheels to get them to line up with the holes in those stands--C17 and 18. The area is kind of tricky to get all this to 'fit' together. I actually had to end up cutting off those little slots on the inside of the brake wheels where they fit into the gearbox, so I could get those wheels turned enough to line up those little holes on the stands better. When I put the whole thing together for the last time, I'll put the gear box/brake unit in first by itself, then the fan/engine combination once I get those little ends of the brakes in those holes on the stands.
Right now I'm having trouble getting the two rear side panels--D2 and D1, plus the bulkhead with the aircleaners on it--E7--to fit altogether as a unit in the body so that the hull top sits down on the bottom as it should. Have a 'high spot' there somewhere, and will have to sand and fit, sand and fit, till I get the top and bottom hull pieces to fit correctly with these three pieces inside. But all things in good time.
My main trouble is having a tendency to 'rush' things sometimes as I go along. This is where I get into the most trouble, so when I run into a problen, I just sit things aside for awhile and let the old brain box 'cook' on the problem till I find a solution, instead of just charging ahead and messing it up. Something I've done more than once without learning from it.
Oh well, such are the challenges of thie hobby I suppose.
Take care and good luck, Sgirty