HI. Thanks for the comments guys. This is the first time I've ever tried 'powders' of any kind, so I can't say what or which kind is better than another.
I used MIG's European Dust, Lt. Rust, and Black Smoke here. I tried to mix some in water, but it just didn't look 'right' so just stayed with putting them on dry. Had some cheap brushes I picked up at the local craft shop and they worked real well for this. Just dipped the very ends of the brush into the powder and began brushing and grinding then into the surface and then brushing them out. I also got a jar of the Russian Dirt as well, but it's kind of dark and didn't seem to show up very well on that green surface, so I didn't use it.
Once they are on there it's pretty hard to get them off. I didn't try to wash them off or anything, but just blowing or wiping across the surface with a finger didn't seem to affect them too much. Have not taken off the upper body since I've put them on, so I don't know exactly how much handling they will take, but they seem to be stuck fairly well.
Did notice last night that I had forgot to do the wheels, so I had to go back and add the powder to them. And while doing the wheels, this powder was also blended into the tracks too, so it all seems to 'fit' together better now.
I'll have to say that I'm pretty pleased with the results here. This sure adds a dimension of 'realism' to the model. But I'll have to do some more experimenting with them.
One important point to mention is to beware of any possible loose parts. As with any scubbing action, it's quite possible that a small part can come off. I broke two small pieces off on this model yesterday, but luckily they fell right beside the model and I was able to use a spot of CA and put them back on. So be watchful here.
Yes majorproblem, I did drill out the hatch covers and pinned them so they would be movable. Also drilled out the two little hatch latches too and pinned them. Wish I had thought about doing that on the engine hatch before adding those 2 pieces that fit on each side of it. Oh well. Live and learn I guess.
If I were to do it over again I think I would blend the European Dust and Lt. Rust together and give that a try, just to see what a difference that would make.
There's more than enough powder in one of these little jars to do several of these big models and still have some left over, as a little bit tends to go a fairly long ways.
Take care, Sgirty