HI, I'll also add my compliments to your work as well seyahmit. I like your blending of the oil washes you've applied.
Had to end up gluing the inspection hatch in the rear of mine down on the top of the hull, as the hinges were starting to break off for some reason. But that's okay, as I plan to leave the upper hull removable too. Have to be careful in taking this upper hull on and off, as that mg storage rack up front hangs down pretty far.
Just mounted the driver's hatch on today and am almost ready to add the forward mg unit. Then that will just about finish up the lower section of this baby.
Still have to do some thinking on the tracks. Going to have to do some blending with 'mud' and various 'dustings' of lighter colors to make that red primer blend into more of a backround shade instead of standing out as it does at the present.
Also have been reading various articles both here and on other sites about the use of weathering powders on models. They seem to be the way to go, as they are much stronger than the pastel chalks. Or at least worth giving a try. I'm finding out that one bad thing about the Net. is that there is so much information on it about any type of subject, that after a while the brain tends to become 'overloaded' and that a person starts to get confused on it all; which for me doesn't take too long. Ha, ha! Believe if I do get some, I'll need to do some experimenting on some of the smaller stuff I have here.
Am thinking really seriously of getting one of the /42 kits, as I've seem some really neat pictures in some of the books showing these types with various things added to them. Extra grab handles, extra armor welded on the front, etc. Might be interesting additions to try in this scale.
Am really having a fun time with this kit! Best model I think I've ever had the privilege to work on. Everything just fits so well together, it's really quite amazing!
Good luck and take care, Sgirty