Quoted Text
Quoted TextIn Polish word "beton" means "concrete" and same is in German.
Yes, also you´re right.
I meant this word, but wanted to write it in english.Quoted TextThe radar shaped concrete things you say had a electric cable running down a shaft, could this have been part of the experiment with sound waves for knocking down aircraft?
Yes, also this could be possible. Intersting facts and ideas!
And "Betong" is the Norwegian word for concrete. The Nordic/German/holland language come from old germanian language and have many simularities.
For the henge thing. First thing i thought about when it came to the electrical cabel canals running from the henge, is that they were made for water pipes, and not electrical cables. But again there is no real documentation to prove any of the theories. But i like to leave some of it to my imagination, and go from there