A few of us were talking and the idea for a figure building/painting campaign popped up. The goal is to build, paint and finish one or more figures and by doing so improve our skills so that we at least don't have to feel embarrassed when placing them next to our great looking tanks. Anything above that (appearance wise) is bonus!

IE. Let's have fun, try to learn from each other and improve those figure crafting skills!
As far as rules go i thought this could be kept really casual:
1. Photos: Start of build, in progress & obviously a photo of the final product into the campaign gallery
2. Any figs are fine: Plastic, resin, white metal etc
3. 1/48 - 1/16 scale. The idea is to get better figures to accompany our armor. Any larger than that feels like it will become a solitary.
4. Figures can be used in other campaigns even if submitted into this campaign. They don't need be exlusive
5. Time period... a year? (feels long but time flies)
So, what do you all think... Ready to grab the optivisor and get cracking?!
Any input or feedback is more than welcome!