Firstly thanks for staying on this one now, the progress is awesome. It's great for the appreciating rabble, me included, for we all realize how difficult it can be to accomplish anything of note, to our ourselves even, and keep pressing on towards a finish. Just like the Soviet advance into eastern Germany.
Your last couple is real nice, conveying that sense of tension and hope in the same moment. Adding civilians; ladies, children, Seniors, just like it was.
I love what Karl has added, because it's just the plain truth. Not so simple to create different interactions btwn players, complementing a scene within the overall production. Yet, Dude, you handle it smoothly.
Annnd you have a sense of humility, while sharing your wealth of knowledge from personal experiences. Like bringing us along on the journey.
I was over on LSP, and you've got a real helpful tutorial there too, explaining in detail your figure conversions and production.
And this is on a blog for serious AVIATION interests, not primarily figures at all, with a real supportive, appreciative crowd following you, from mainly Aero modelers. Very cool brother
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to you