Only hit one speed bump, and that was the commanders cupola. I should point out that my doner kit was the Trumpeter LAV-C2 not the LAV-25, so that may have something to do with it as i had to remove the existing cupola before fitting the MH one, which may have altered the dimensions of the hull by a few mm.
I attached the engine deck and then found that the cupola was too large to fit. I thinned it as much as i could but ended up cutting a step into it so it actually sits slightly on top of the engine deck (see photo). Its not really noticable from most angles as the RWS mount covers this small error. Just make sure you trial and fit it before glueing the deck down!! Also, the periscopes are cast as smaller than the drivers, when they should be the same size. The ring has to be filed down and shortened as well so the mount sits just higher than the scopes. (Will do... only blue tacked at the moment)

Ive also noticed that the Diemarco mount radius is too small, so im considering scratching my own. You can see from the photos in Bretts post that the swing mount pretty much overhangs the Commanders periscopes. Compare that photo to this...

The rear hull went on great, i cut out the ribbing inside to make it a bit lighter and allow some flex in it when attaching to the lower hull.
Also ensure that you dry fit the exhaust before you glue on the suspension bumps onto the hull. Im going to have to remove one and adjust it a mm or so.
I do really reccomend the Mouse House kit, definatly the best ASLAV gear on the market, and they will be getting more out of my wallet in the future.
As for paint, to tell you the truth thats why im making this kit so quick. Its the test bed for my two ASLAV-25's (see other thread). Im a newbie and painting is where i choke. Got a new airbrush to try out as well.
Oh and another thing, If you choose to mount the roof stowage box, spin the bracket around 180 degrees and mount it on the right hand side. Its in the photos in the instructions as on the left, but the first thing most crews do is move it so the Commander can see behind the car without having to stand up on his hatch! And most cars in the MEAO have it removed altogether.