Mine has actually gone backwards, as i decided to hack the cupola off and fix it. Im all scratched out on the gun car at the moment, but ill get around to it eventually. I might just get the MH corrected one when i finalise my massive order of thier new stuff soon. I also removed some water jerrys to replace them with fuel ones, and in the process destroyed one of the brackets. More scratching!! And im strugging with the exhaust cover as well.
As for yours, looking fantastic, almost a shame to paint it. I can only hope mine comes out looking half as good.
Dont forget to add the bump on the front of the cupola, and to remove the two bumps on the left hand side of the drivers hole. They are the hinges for the US style hatch, not there on ASLAV. Have you trial fitted the pioneer tools to the mounting bracket? I had to do some major modifying to get them to fit in the correct place, mostly on the shovel.
Also, absolutely nothing wrong how you have it but i know you like the little things. Most crews will mount the stowage box where you have it now, but spin it around so the latch is facing rear and the hinge forward. So if you forget to latch it, the airflow over the car will hold the lid down. The other way, the air will force the lid open and you lose its contents at 110kph on the freeway.
Good pick on the mirrors too. Both sides are mounted in the exact same way. On Phase 2 they are identical opposites, but on Phase 3 the Right hand side one has a longer stalk as is seen in your ASLAV-F photo . And most of them are removed when in the field anyway, as they seem to be in the perfect position for every single tree in Australia to miss the brush guards and smash them off.
Did you modify your RWS in any way? After checking some photos, I sliced about 1/3 of the width of the kit PE shroud off, and also shortened the resin LRF Shroud and added a piece on the end of it, as this is where the daysight cover is stowed when the RWS is turned on.