More progress on the Salmson,
Slight problem with the fit of the upper fuselage, my fault, not the kit's. I did not quite get the upper frame down tight enough. I have masked the gap and applied some green stuff

The masking removed, just needs a swipe with a file.

The engine halves assembled along with the mount.

The engine "furniture" on the sprue, It is an overused cliché that the engine is a kit in itself, but this time I think it is a valid use.

Rocker arms fitted, all 18 of them,

Ignition leads and induction pipes.

Push rods, these come in three etched parts, a small and easily rectified fit issue, the ring upon which the arms are mounted do not fit over the top of the crank case. as shown I just cut each one in half, problem solved.

The engine and mount have been sprayed black, and the cowl front has had the exhaust pipe sprayed silver leaf.

detail painting on the engine and cowl front next. still really enjoying this kit.