Quick pre-New Years update.
I thought the worst was over after the suspension...was I wrong.
The hull went together. The driver's glacis, like most everything, was way over-engineered. It's really easy to get things out of square. Not to mention, parts like to pop loose because there's limited surface area to cement.
Rear skid trenching thing. It actually went together pretty good. Because of this, I figure RPM decided to go bonkers and provide a styrene chain with each individual link being molded separately.
Turret time. Each panel of the turret is a separate molded plate. Fit is questionable. The top hatch does not fit. After trimming, it split and will require fixing before paint.
Turret coming together. I decided to fit it on the chassis. It doesn't fit. I removed a detail add-on (see arrow)and it barely clears. Just another "wtf" moment in this kit's build.
More turret madness. The Hotchkiss MG mount does not fit and I basically had to make a new on. I also had to trim down the mantlet a lot so the turret roof plate would sit.
I've got a few added details to add, like the kit's PE. I'm probably going to be really sparing when it comes to the PE. I should start painting and adding mud...lots of glorious mud. When I think of WW1 I think of the mud of the trenches...so I'll be using the mud to cover some of the warts of this kit...including the tracks.
I might pull the ICM German figures out tonight and start on them. I'll need them at least started to start planning the layout of this thing. I'm favoring a group of German troops crossing no-man's-land and walking past an abandoned FT-17.