Hi all. Great work everybody.
It's been a while since I've posted anything. Spent considerable time trying to work up a feasible design for the Paris Gun's emplacement. Even at 1/72 scale, it takes up a lot of space, but I finally got started. The foundation is an aluminum picture frame holding slabs of scrap 2 inch (5 cm) thick foam insulating board which I had on hand. I cut a hole for the pit which contains the gun's fixed base, and put in scrap wood blocks as filler to raise the top of the base to the level shown in photos of the Beaumont emplacement.

In the above photo, the center line of the layout runs approximately north-south, north being at the top. The southwest trending arrow indicates the direction to the center of Paris from the emplacement in the Bois du Corbie, a distance of 110 km.

The above photo shows the fixed base in place within the pit. It is oriented with its jacks perpendicular to the center line of the future approach track. In the next photo the rotating base is installed atop the fixed base.

The final photo shows the provisional layout with the tracks for the Gantry crane and gun carriage roughly in position and the gun mounted on the rotating base ready to fire.

Still a lot to be done. The tracks are HO scale (1/87), and have to be split and widened to 1/72. I had considered using the tracks which came with the Leopold kit, but they are over scale and I don't like the molded roadbed.
Next stage of the project is to build the Gantry crane which will be mounted on widened HO scale trucks.
After that, a few bunkers for the gun crew and some trees and landscaping. I hope to be finished before the campaign ends. If not, there's always the Centennial of the 1918 Armistice. Until then, we soldier on!