Libor.... Thank you for the link to the paper BR52s. THe level of work and subsequent quality is amazing.
Once again, brilliant work. You definately know the meaning of ultra-detailed and you were right about the Voyager photoetch being a nice product.
This has been my first experience with the company and their etch appears to be very easy for me to work with being a relative newcomer to the hobby.
You wouldn't happen to know what size the metal bolts included with the pro pack are and where I could order some more from?
My darling daughter decided she would play with them and lose them.
The pump you scratched is a work of art in itself and I only wish that I could rustle one up like it too... maybe in a decade if I keep at it every day.
For now I will stick with adding a few hydraulic lines.
Just one question Libor regarding the smoke/wind deflectors. They are almost always included with restored BR52s and model kits that are made but I have read (I cannot remember where) that they would not have been applied to many, if any, of the WWII ones.
Do you know whether this is the case with all the research that you have done or if the author maybe got his information muddled?
Thank you again for WIP that inspires me to get cracking with my own kit and gives me the courage to attempt small steps in scratchbuilding myslef.