For discussions on tanks, artillery, jeeps, etc.
Hosted by Darren Baker
TopicDiscussion GroupStarted ByRepliesViewsLast Comment
Dream Model 12GunTruck19730710MAY 14, 2002 - 10:58 AM
by YodaMan
Merkava Question #2: What Color?Sabot1823236MAY 14, 2002 - 09:04 AM
by m60a3
PattonScunge174640MAY 14, 2002 - 08:18 AM
by Scunge
Dodge anti-tankgeneralzod235791MAY 13, 2002 - 10:34 PM
by Kencelot
Tracks on M1A1sgtreef94934MAY 13, 2002 - 12:37 PM
by salt6
AFV or Academy M18?lightningdon25176MAY 13, 2002 - 11:08 AM
by lightningdon
DML/Dragon recommendation?mac368695MAY 13, 2002 - 09:37 AM
Pz IV...which manufacturer do you like???TheGame104757MAY 13, 2002 - 09:15 AM
Anti-aircraft machine guns....KMM94628MAY 13, 2002 - 07:54 AM
by salt6
DOES ANY BODY HAVE A RAIL CAR FOR SALEtazz304442MAY 13, 2002 - 07:51 AM
by tazz3
Redball Express in 1/72?staff_Jim14661MAY 13, 2002 - 02:45 AM
Favorite Subjectsavukich234823MAY 13, 2002 - 02:18 AM
by YodaMan
Got my first Merkava kitSabot308278MAY 13, 2002 - 02:07 AM
by Sabot
Guess What Happened to Me Today!!!GunTruck224747MAY 12, 2002 - 10:44 PM
by GunTruck
M2A3??ARENGCA174957MAY 12, 2002 - 09:21 PM
by SEDimmick
half track referencepowerlogik84543MAY 12, 2002 - 11:31 AM
NITTO M8A1 TRACTOR CARGOKencelot67940MAY 12, 2002 - 11:25 AM
Photos of GMC trucks?staff_Jim24290MAY 12, 2002 - 05:11 AM
Mother's Day Sale @ GreatmodelsKencelot104495MAY 12, 2002 - 01:38 AM
by cfbush2000
Academy M-60KMM35099MAY 11, 2002 - 11:16 PM
by Sabot
PST/ITALERI 1/72 Armorgeneralzod04423MAY 11, 2002 - 09:12 PM
by generalzod
Trumpeter KitsStormbringer04236MAY 11, 2002 - 08:58 PM
by Stormbringer
DML Panther IIsalt604348MAY 11, 2002 - 12:37 PM
by salt6
M113 Humorsalt624215MAY 11, 2002 - 03:30 AM
by GeneralFailure
Do the Canadians...ARENGCA54602MAY 10, 2002 - 09:19 PM
by BillyBishop
Big Boyslightningdon24463MAY 10, 2002 - 10:41 AM
by lightningdon
Reference Photos Rearrangedstaff_Jim64347MAY 10, 2002 - 06:42 AM
by Sabot
Verlinden M8 HMC Interior SetSabot86535MAY 10, 2002 - 03:20 AM
by 210cav
Aberdeen PGavukich44555MAY 10, 2002 - 01:38 AM
by 210cav
U.S. Anti-tank gunslightningdon84584MAY 10, 2002 - 01:12 AM
by tankshack
SdKfz 251/17TUGA04618MAY 10, 2002 - 12:58 AM
Newbie says, "Please help"leader144517MAY 10, 2002 - 12:32 AM
by screamingeagle
Custom Dioramics210cav04851MAY 09, 2002 - 11:34 PM
by 210cav
SGT York -- major hulll mod??2-2dragoon24508MAY 09, 2002 - 07:53 PM
by Sabot
Sherman conversion kits in 1:72 ?sergio64827MAY 09, 2002 - 05:18 PM
by Tanks
Some New Photos in the MotorpoolSabot14383MAY 09, 2002 - 10:20 AM
by Sabot
Michigan Modeler Roll Callkf8xo64628MAY 09, 2002 - 09:03 AM
by ladymodelbuilder
Osório Pics on the GalleryArmouredSprue244940MAY 09, 2002 - 07:16 AM
by matt
Two part questionTheGame44492MAY 09, 2002 - 01:13 AM
by 210cav
M36BI Ammo stowagegeneralzod94722MAY 08, 2002 - 08:42 PM
by 210cav
M3 Trackskf8xo84575MAY 08, 2002 - 07:56 PM
by 210cav
Academy m48ponysoldier75620MAY 08, 2002 - 07:34 PM
by Sabot
Gunnie--How do I do this one?210cav174345MAY 08, 2002 - 07:52 AM
by 210cav
Metal barrel for Academy M10 TDpanzerman298873MAY 08, 2002 - 07:35 AM
by Kencelot
Picked up new Italeri HUMMER Avenger.Epi76104MAY 08, 2002 - 05:01 AM
by GreyHunter
Eduard Stencils: Totenkopfmac85550MAY 08, 2002 - 03:32 AM
Model Point 2s1 barel??CaptainJack34621MAY 08, 2002 - 03:27 AM
by CaptainJack
Pacific ShermansBombshell184638MAY 08, 2002 - 02:55 AM
by RufusLeeking
two questions about panther A againblklem24232MAY 08, 2002 - 01:33 AM
by 210cav
Ft Knoxsalt6114284MAY 07, 2002 - 07:48 AM
by 210cav
two questions about panther Ablklem03921MAY 07, 2002 - 06:12 AM
by blklem
album updateArthur44302MAY 07, 2002 - 02:55 AM
by 210cav
First Armorm1garand296824MAY 06, 2002 - 10:19 PM
by avukich
M60-A1 Engine and compartment ref's?2-2dragoon44366MAY 06, 2002 - 10:16 PM
by 210cav
Tiger early version academy kittazz394966MAY 06, 2002 - 08:55 PM
by pipesmoker
Making realistic rust?TheGame94717MAY 06, 2002 - 11:17 AM
One for Sabotsgtreef114350MAY 06, 2002 - 07:10 AM
by Sabot
New camo pattern?drewgimpy174443MAY 06, 2002 - 03:17 AM
by m1garand
decal sheets for 16th scale tiger Iblklem34314MAY 06, 2002 - 02:45 AM
by Sabot
a new model from my handdemodelbouwer124403MAY 06, 2002 - 01:12 AM
by 210cav
Dilemma: when to use a wash?mac54256MAY 06, 2002 - 01:11 AM
NATO Paint ColorsARENGCA77686MAY 05, 2002 - 09:55 PM
Burned out Sherman nearly complete... (pics)DGeraths338384MAY 05, 2002 - 06:34 AM
by Envar
Italeri "Hummer Avenger"Petition2God25474MAY 05, 2002 - 05:49 AM
by Petition2God
thoughts on how to make plastic look rough.blklem55264MAY 05, 2002 - 03:05 AM
by Bombshell
need help i think i ruined my tanktazz344550MAY 05, 2002 - 01:02 AM
by demodelbouwer
Italeri's Marine M4Bombshell64694MAY 04, 2002 - 08:13 AM
by Kencelot
Tank Destroyer Questionm1garand468252MAY 04, 2002 - 04:27 AM
by Kencelot
Friulmodel vs. Modelkastenpuyallup740056704MAY 03, 2002 - 07:32 PM
by puyallup7400
Stars on T34 ?mac14565MAY 03, 2002 - 07:29 PM
by penpen
Build up review of the Tamiya 1/16 Tiger?Sabot145291MAY 03, 2002 - 07:16 PM
by Sabot
M-109sgtreef85207MAY 03, 2002 - 07:02 PM
by sgtreef
segment circle starsmac04542MAY 03, 2002 - 12:57 PM
by mac
Tankers LifeARENGCA5212523MAY 03, 2002 - 08:16 AM
by maxpain
Sherman TracksTUGA94730MAY 03, 2002 - 04:50 AM
by Greg
cast items on a tiger I Eblklem24701MAY 03, 2002 - 01:45 AM
by tankshack
Liquid Masks??Tiger144682MAY 03, 2002 - 01:36 AM
by Bravo-Comm
Trumpeter M1A1HApipesmoker64965MAY 03, 2002 - 01:10 AM
by staff_Jim
Hey Guntruck, check this out!ARENGCA64771MAY 02, 2002 - 11:31 PM
by GunTruck
M939 Reference Picsstaff_Jim64903MAY 02, 2002 - 02:31 PM
Modern Civilian Jeep kit?Sabot24395MAY 02, 2002 - 09:48 AM
by generalzod
need help with color for tanktazz314580MAY 02, 2002 - 08:08 AM
by TheGame
Tamiya M-26 Pershing210cav44760MAY 02, 2002 - 07:33 AM
by Sabot
Low detail Panther dio idea!ARENGCA34739MAY 02, 2002 - 07:31 AM
by matt
Electrical wire question.TheGame14676MAY 02, 2002 - 07:27 AM
by matt
Casting number on Tamiya M4 hull?mac34735MAY 01, 2002 - 10:11 AM
by mac
Calling in ground supportTheGame95147MAY 01, 2002 - 09:37 AM
by TreadHead
Academy's M10mac95885MAY 01, 2002 - 05:51 AM
by Greg
In need of Panzer IV Asuf D interior photosDenizen35030MAY 01, 2002 - 02:49 AM
by pipesmoker
M113 mounted HAWKshiryon65245MAY 01, 2002 - 01:22 AM
by Ranger74
Heller LeClerc MBT Quick LookSabot55647APR 30, 2002 - 10:50 PM
by Bravo-Comm
M936 QuestionMAD_DUCK35309APR 30, 2002 - 07:26 PM
by Sabot
AFV Club's artillery gunsSundown74856APR 30, 2002 - 01:34 PM
by Sundown
Acrylic or Enamelsalt65012012APR 30, 2002 - 06:36 AM
Is there one site...?TheGame214930APR 30, 2002 - 03:44 AM
by Sabot
does tamiya make a T-34tazz3165290APR 30, 2002 - 01:19 AM
by herberta
Markings for an M4 Shermanmac45745APR 29, 2002 - 08:30 PM
by 210cav
For All You HUMMER Fans!!!!!Epi34761APR 29, 2002 - 05:51 PM
by GreyHunter
Italeri Hummer Avenger with Quad StingerKencelot96194APR 29, 2002 - 05:43 PM
by GreyHunter
NEW PICS: Armor Buildsstaff_Jim54710APR 29, 2002 - 10:58 AM
by Ranger74